Why Music?
Do you have pupils in years 7-9 who are passionate about music?
Working with our partners, we have created an event called ‘Why Music?’ to show young people how music as a school subject can open doors for them.
At various locations across Wales, we will introduce pupils in years 8 & 9 to inspirational individuals who work in the music industry in Wales and beyond. There will be workshops, performances, discussions and information stands specially curated for young people between 12-14 years old.
Partners at the event will include National Youth Arts Wales / Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid CymruUrdd Gobaith CymruCharangaAnthem CymruBBC National Orchestra of WalesRoyal Welsh College of Music & Drama – Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama CymruAddysg CymruEducation WalesWJEC / CBAC

To register your school for the next ‘Why Music?’ event in your area, please enter these details