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Charanga Cymru Digital Platform supports music in the classroom by providing great curriculum music resources and creative apps.
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Fuoch chi yn ein digwyddiad 'Pam Cerddoriaeth?' ym mis Ionawr. Mae ein galeri lluniau nawr yn fyw. Did you come along to our 'Why Music?' event in January? Our photo gallery is now live. See if you can spot your school there!![]()
'Pam Cerddoriaeth?' ym Mangor - National Music Service for Wales | Gwasanaeth Cerdd Cenedlaethol
Cafodd ein digwyddiad 'Pam Cerddoriaeth?' cyntaf un i bobl ifanc ei gynnal yn Pontio, Bangor, yn Ionawr 2025. Pwrpas y diwrnod oedd dangos wrth ddisgyblion rhwng 12-14 oed sut y gall astudio cerddoria...UWTSD and Pembrokeshire Music Service Collaborate for Rock and Pop Recording Sessions
Students from the Creative Music Technology programme at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) recently collaborated with the Pembrokeshire Music Service to record two talented rock and ...
Offerynwyr! Instrumentalists!![]()
Do you fancy winning up to £3,000? Register now for the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Blue Ribband competitions 👇. Manylion isod am gystadlaethau Rhuban Glas i ennill hyd at £3,000.
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Gwobr o £3,000 i offerynwyr ifanc - National Music Service for Wales | Gwasanaeth Cerdd Cenedlaethol
Mae’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, fydd yn cael ei chynnal yn Wrecsam fis Awst eleni, yn galw ar offerynwyr ifanc i ymgeisio am gystadlaethau sydd â gwobrau
Photos from Gwasanaeth Cerdd Ceredigion Music Service's post
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The next Regional Choir Course is coming up this Easter holidays! In collaboration with Gwasanaeth Cerdd Cenedlaethol Cymru/National Music Service Wales and National Youth Arts Wales / Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru , this 2 day course will be a chance to sing with pupils from all over South East Wales! ![]()
Mae'r Cwrs Côr Rhanbarthol nesaf ar y gweill dros wyliau'r Pasg! Mewn cydweithrediad â Gwasanaeth Cerdd Cenedlaethol Cymru/National Music Service Wales a @NNational Youth Arts Wales / Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru , bydd y cwrs 2 ddiwrnod hwn yn gyfle i ganu gyda disgyblion o bob rhan o Dde Ddwyrain Cymru! ![]()
Scan the QR code to sign up for the course, or click here/sganiwch y cod QR i gofrestru ar gyfer y cwrs, neu cliciwch yma:
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Annogwch eich plant a’ch disgyblion i ymgeisio ⬇️ Please encourage your children and pupils to apply to compete for these fantastic opportunities.
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Athrawon! Teachers!![]()
A fantastic CPD opportunity below with some of our key partners. Cliciwch ar y linc i ddarganfod mwy 🎵🎶 Exciting #CPD opportunity for #teachers! 🎶![]()
Welsh National Opera, BBC National Orchestra of Wales #BBCNOW, National Theatre Wales, and local music services are offering a series of sessions to help you creatively embed music into your classroom.![]()
This series will provide a mix of sessions accessible to KS1, 2, and 3 Teachers and TAs, all focused on fostering creativity and linking music to the #welshcurriculum ![]()
🎶 12/03/25
⏰ 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM | BBC Hoddinott Hall
📄 Sign up here:![]()
🎶 Cyfle #DPP cyffrous i #athrawon! 🎶 ![]()
Mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC #BBCNOW, National Theatre Wales, a gwasanaethau cerddoriaeth lleol yn cynnig cyfres o sesiynau i’ch helpu i wreiddio cerddoriaeth yn greadigol yn eich ystafell ddosbarth.![]()
Bydd y gyfres hon yn darparu cymysgedd o sesiynau sy'n hygyrch i Athrawon CA1, 2, a 3 ac YH, gyda phob un yn canolbwyntio ar feithrin creadigrwydd a chysylltu cerddoriaeth â'r #CwricwlwmCymreig.![]()
🎶 12/03/25
⏰ 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM | Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC
📄 Cofrestrwch yma:![]()
Welsh National Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru National Theatre Wales
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Charanga Cymru login![]()
Mae cofrestru ar gyfer eich cyfrif Charanga yn haws nac erioed. Ewch i dudalen blaen ein gwefan, ac edrychwch am y botwm 'Cofrestrwch am ddim' a chwiliwch am eich ysgol. A dyna ni! Mae e mor syml a hynny.![]()
Registering for your free Charanga Cymru account is now easier than ever. Go to the front page of our website, look for the 'Sign up for free' button, and select your school. And that's it! It really is that simple.
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Dydd Miwsig Cymru hapus i chi i gyd! ![]()
What is Dydd Miwsig Cymru? 👇![]()
Mae Dydd Miwsig Cymru (dydd Gwener 7 Chwefror 2025) yn dathlu pob math o fiwsig Cymraeg, o indi, roc, pync, ffync, gwerin, electronica i hip hop a phopeth arall dan haul. Dyma'r degfed Dydd Miwsig Cymru, felly beth am ymuno â'r dathliadau?![]()
Dydd Miwsig Cymru – Welsh Language Music Day (Friday 7th February 2025) celebrates all forms of Welsh language music, from indie, rock, punk, funk, folk, electronica to hip hop and everything in between. This is the tenth Dydd Miwsig Cymru, so why not join the celebrations?
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Wrexham! 'Dwi'n dy garu di'![]()
This video of schools pupils from Ysgol Rhiwabon, singing a brand new song professing their love for Wrexham, as been viewed nearly 600 times already since been published on YouTube this weekWrexham Music Co-operativeic Co-operative wrote 'Cân i Wrecsam' and launched a competition challenging the schools to write their own verse and a rap to be included within the new song.![]()
Workshops were held at every secondary school and the competition organisers chose Ysgol Rhiwabon as the winner. ![]()
Llongyfarchiadau bawb!
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Athrawon - Teachers
Hyfforddiant CPD training
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️🎶 Exciting #CPD opportunity for #teachers! 🎶![]()
Welsh National Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru and BBC National Orchestra of Wales #BBCNOW have teamed up to bring you a fantastic series of CPD sessions for the academic year!![]()
Join us on Wednesday, 12th March 2025, for a workshop designed to help you creatively embed music into your classroom, with direct links to the #WelshCurriculum. ![]()
No matter your experience level, this session is for you!![]()
📍 Location: BBC Hoddinott Hall, Wales Millennium Centre #Cardiff
⏰ Time: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
🗣 Sign up here: ![]()
🎶 Cyfle #DPP cyffrous i #athrawon! 🎶
Mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC #BBCNOW wedi dod at ei gilydd i gynnig cyfres wych o sesiynau DPP i chi yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd hon!
Ymunwch â ni ddydd Mercher 12 Mawrth 2025 am weithdy sydd wedi’i lunio i’ch helpu i gyflwyno cerddoriaeth i’ch ystafell ddosbarth mewn ffordd greadigol, gyda chysylltiadau uniongyrchol â’r #CwricwlwmiGymru.
Beth bynnag fo lefel eich profiad, dyma’r sesiwn i chi!
📍 Lleoliad: Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru #Caerdydd
⏰ Amser: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
🗣 Cofrestrwch yma:
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Hyfforddiant CHARANGA CYMRU Training.
Eisiau dysgu sut mae defnyddio Charanga Cymru? Cofrestrwch ar gyfer ein webinarau isod.![]()
Cynhesu, Offerynnau a Cyd Chwarae
• Chwefror 10fed: Rhannu'r cynllun gosod syml, newydd sbon a'r deunyddiau addysg diweddaraf - Cyflwyniad Saesneg.
• Chwefror 17: Rhannu'r cynllun gosod syml, newydd sbon a'r deunyddiau addysg diweddaraf - cyflwyniad Cymraeg.![]()
Yr adnodd Adeiladwr Cwricwlwm i Gymru
• Chwefror 11: Cynlluniwch gwricwlwm delfrydol i'ch ysgol yn defnyddio ein Adeiladwr Cwricwlwm - cyflwyniad Saesneg.
• Chwefror 18fed: Cynlluniwch gwricwlwm delfrydol i'ch ysgol yn defnyddio ein Adeiladwr Cwricwlwm - cyflwyniad Cymraeg.![]()
Mae pob sesiwn yn rhad ac am ddim, yn cychwyn am 4yp ac yn para hyd at awr. Am fanylion pellach ac i archebu eich lle, ewch i'n gwefan. ![]()![]()
Want to learn how to use our digital platform Charanga Cymru? These webinars are available this month and are free.![]()
Warm Ups, Instruments and Playing Together
• Feb 10: A guided tour of the new-look Charanga Cymru and its resources - delivered in English.
• Feb 17: A guided tour of the new-look Charanga Cymru and its resources - delivered in Welsh.![]()
Featuring Curriculum for Wales Resources
• Feb 11: Design your school's perfect curriculum using our Curriculum Builder - delivered in English.
• Feb 18: Design your school's perfect curriculum using our Curriculum Builder - delivered in Welsh.![]()
All sessions start at 4pm, and last up to one hour. Go to our website for more details.
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340 🧒🏼👧🏿
17 schools
Pontio, Bangor - Ionawr 15 January 2025.
Am ddiwrnod! What a day!
Pam Cerddoriaeth? Why Music? 👀👂Find out ⬇️![]()
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Am gyffrous 🤩 How exciting!🏆 Dyma Lysgenhadon Gwobrau newydd sbon yr Urdd a Choleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru (Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama - Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru), i’w dyfarnu yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2025.![]()
🎤 Syr Bryn Terfel (Sir Bryn Terfel)
🪩 Amy Dowden
🎵 Callum Scott Howells
🎭 Matthew Rhys
🎻 Rakhi Singh
🎫 Sarah Hemsley-Cole ![]()
🏆 The Urdd and RWCMD are proud to announce the Ambassadors of their brand-new Awards, which will be offered at this year’s National Urdd Eisteddfod.![]()
⇢ Darllenwch fwy yma | Read more here:
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Eisiau gwella eich sgiliau chwarae? Want to improve your skills? Details below of a FREE strings workshops for pupils in Ceredigion, Powys, Sir Gâr/Carmarthenshire and Sir Benfro/Pembrokeshire.
Cofrestrwch NAWR. Closing day for registering is soon. Details below.
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Stori ardderchog o Bowys!
A fantastic story from Powys!
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Pam Cerddoriaeth? Why Music?![]()
Dyna drafodwyd mewn diwrnod llawn dop o weithgareddau, cyflwyniadau a thrafodaethau ysbrydoledig i bron i 350 o ddisgyblion uwchradd Cyngor Gwynedd Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn a Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy union wythnos yn ôl (15 Ionawr) yn Pontio Bangor Y pwrpas oedd dangos pam fod astudio cerddoriaeth yn yr ysgol yn medru agor drysau at amryw o yrfaoedd, creu gwytnwch, a chyfraniad profiadau cerddorol at iechyd a lles. Diolch i staff y ganolfan, ein panelwyr, a'n partneriaid, am ddiwrnod hwylus. ![]()
Today marks a week since our first ever showcase of how studying music in school can lead to a variety of careers and opportunities, grows resilience, and highlights the power of music for health and wellbeing. On Wednesday, 15th January, we had nearly 350 secondary school children from across Cyngor Gwynedd Conwy County Borough Council and Isle of Anglesey County Council at Pontio, Bangor. Our thanks to our partners, our panellists, and staff at the centre, for their co-operation in ensuring a jam packed, inspirational, day for all.![]()
Prifysgol Bangor National Youth Arts Wales / Celfyddydau Cenedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru Urdd Gobaith Cymru Charanga Anthem Cymru BBC National Orchestra of Wales Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama - Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru Gwasanaeth Cerdd Ysgolion Gwynedd a Môn Gwasanaeth Cerdd Conwy Music Service Coleg Menai Addysg Cymru Education Wales WJEC / CBAC ![]()
📸 FfotoNant
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Hwre! Dyma ni! Traciau ymarfer Eisteddfod yr Urdd Diolch i Charanga a chriw trefnus yr Eisteddfod am fynd ati eto i drefnu hyn. Ac eleni, mae mwy fyth o draciau ymarfer cystadlaethau Cynradd ac Uwchradd yno. ![]()
There are even more Eisteddfod yr Urdd rehearsal tracks to be found on our Charanga Cymru platform this year. Log in to your free Charanga account and take a look at what’s there? No login? Follow the instructions to register. This facility is free to all local authority teachers and schools.
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